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Saitek X52 PRO - DIN Connector MOD

If you are a flight sim enthusiast like me you most likely know of various HOTAS types.One of the popular choice for virtual fliers was for years - Saitek X52.


Great precise device with hall effect sensors for two main axis. Lots of buttons and several rotary wheels.

It is great stick for sure.


But it has its flaws. 

One of the major problems, all its users eventually encounter, is loose Mini-DIN connector.





You might know it from the past as PS/2 connector for old myce or non-fancy/disco keyboards of these times.

This issue usually results in random disconnects between stick and throttle quadrant.

Obviously this happens in most inopportune times possible :-)


And after several disconnects at most inopportune times possible, i had enough.


It was obvious Mini-DIN 6 is just too small and short.

Especially for connection, that is not fixed on both sides.


At first i was juggling the idea of hard soldering one side directly and thus making cable fixed to one of the devices.


Just like main USB connection is.

And replacing fem-connector in other device with new one with some kind of locking mechanism.


However due to lack of local suppliers of ideal connectors and my ignorance i had to make some compromises and ended up going for older and larger brother DIN 6

Mini-DIN 6

used in stock connection




With what i know now, i would have choose one of the screw-able connectors.

Or at least different female part which would mean - working lock. :-D (see later)

Like this one


Anyway project is done with these two.

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