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Cessna 337 - Skymaster

Flight model tweak


What a shame.

Such a nice plane.

However its flight model in X-Plane 11 by Carenado leaves lot to be desired.


It has very strange stall characteristics.

During landing it is not possible to normally transition into level flight and gradually raise AoA as you bleed speed. Plane seems to have very little elevator authority. This results in fairly bizarre landings.


When i investigated in the plane maker i found wing surfaces along with horizontal and vertical stabilizers had very simple shapes and were not in correct places.

Plus some weird gears were present on the wingtips and tail.


There has been talk about fix from one of the redditors.

However it went silent.


From what i gathered it was due to legal issues he never released it.


That's right it is legal to sell broken product.

But illegal for community to fix it for free.


Sure it was released way back and yes we cannot expect them to fix old models constantly.

However since they know it is obsolete AND STILL SELLING IT.

They could just write statement which would allow community to release unofficial patches to flight model to XP forum.


Ahh, we are truly lucky to live in this age.


I did try myself to fix it in plane maker and it did went ok-ish.


Is it realistic ? I have no idea.

But most likely not. I never flown 337.


If there is someone who does fly it for real your feedback is welcome.


Is it more usable?

I think it is.


In video bellow there are 4 examples of landing.

Two with stock flight model.  And two after my mod.

I think result is fairly noticeable.


Video link

But after uploading the file on forum. Post was in few minutes deleted.

Along with message from forum admin implying i have been a naughty boy. And should speak with makers of the plane module first.





I could attempt that.

thinkig meme.jpg



Or !

I could teach you, how to do it yourselves.

That way i wont release anything.

You will do it yourselves.

But you totally should not do it ! 

You know, just in case ;-D


thumb up.png

Lets(NOT)fire up that Plane maker and NOT do this.

in your X-Plane install directory and find "plane maker.exe"


This is totally for educational purposes only.

So you know, what totally NOT to do.




You obviously going to need to buy Carenado 337 Skymaster



Load up Skymaster by opening up its 




This is what you will see


Start by familiarizing with editor controls.

WSAD rotates your view 

arrow keys move rotation point (with SHIFT held faster)

+- on alphanumeric zooms (again with SHIFT faster)

SPACE will hide textures and leave just wireframe model (this is very usefull)

You might need to switch to eng keyboard layout for control keys to work properly.


Familiar ? Great you are now expert.

Go to Expert menu X-D

and hit invisible parts.


In here unmark red highlighted pieces.

This will make them visible.

And close the menu.



You just made visible parts that are taken into account when it comes to flight model and collisions.


What you seen until now was just the visual representation.

Which i guess might be too complex for our PCs to calculate. 


You can see that this really is just rough representation.


training wheeels.png

Notice the wheels on wing ends and vertical tail fins.

What this might be, by my estimate are actual training wheels :-)


So when you collide with tail or wingtips,

collision would be calculated as a rotating wheel not metal.


I might be wrong but if that is taken into account in flight model it has to have some drag.


Lets just get rid of it.


Go to top menu Standard - Landing Gear 

And don't freak out, yet.  X-B


As you can (not)see i am blurring out wheel data.

In order not to anger guys/gals from Carenado.

Now since i am not showing their data entries. This way nobody can replicate their work for free.

And owner of the module do see what is written there anyway.


Click each red highlighted entry and from dropdown menu and just select NONE

This way we got rid of the training wheels.

Close the menu and continue.


Now about that next part. :-D


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