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Part 3

Control surfaces

All that is left are few tweaks to control surfaces.

If you are still in wings menu close it.


Head over to : Standard - Control Geometry


Here in Controls sub menu change non-blured values.

First number is how many degrees will the control surface deflect,

in fully deflected position.


This is one of the issues you might have noticed.

That moment when you try to raise the nose progressively as you lower the airspeed during landing.

But at some point you just loose all pitch authority. And fall abruptly.


Second is flaps Coefficient of Lift.

And lastly Moment that deflected flap will cause.


These values are what i started with before i gave up and just remade the wings.

I also did played with values in Phase out menu

To change how much deflection of elevator would be possible at various speeds.

But in this last version it looks same.

Strange, i remember messing with it.


Its purpose is to simulate the pressure air-stream inflicts on control surfaces.  When you fly faster you have to push harder.

If you ever had Force feedback stick you know.

Provided that plane has no control surface force augmentation.     




What you can also do is head over to:

Standard - Systems 

And mess with option for stall horn but i wasn't able to make it work.

It might have to be linked to some other system in the plane.



You can add artificial stick shaker if you use  XP realistic.

Which has the option for such sound effect. 

Anyway my value is this and it is not ideal, to say the least.

It shakes extremely after takeoff when you raise flaps.


Therefore value ought to be too low, right ?


Well if you set it higher then shaker wont sound during landing at all.


Like i said before it is not realistic.


But at least it is usable.



All that is left is to hide those wings you made visible in the beginning.

Expert - Invisible parts.

(don't forget to hide your new parts of vertical stabs misc wing 1+2)

Save and try it.



I welcome any suggestions.

Please do post bellow if you managed to come up with some interesting results.


We can fix it collectively.


Hope you found this useful.

Enjoy your remade ride ;-)


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